Daily Service: Memory Verses are important!

Updated for Volume 14 First and foremost because God says so: Psalm 119:11-12 (NKJV) Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You! Blessed are You, O LORD! Teach me Your statutes! And practicality.  Though we now can… Continue Reading “Daily Service: Memory Verses are important!”

Daily Service: We will stand together!

Updated for Volume 14 I had this song on my heart today as I watched more “race” violence rage across the screen.  I am going to ask you today, if you call on Jesus, understand that God is about loving people, not hating people. … Continue Reading “Daily Service: We will stand together!”

Daily Service: What you say does matter!

#SpeakLife Updated for Volume 14 The Things People Say! Events during the American War of Independence had convinced the Federalists that bigger government was necessary for the security and well-being of the fledgling nation. Their opponents in the debate over the Constitution thought otherwise… Continue Reading “Daily Service: What you say does matter!”

Daily Service: Never satisfied

Updated for Volume 14 Have you ever felt unsatisfied in a situation that should be more than okay? My friend seems to be ill at ease when there are too many or not enough people in her house or immediately at hand.  She commented… Continue Reading “Daily Service: Never satisfied”

Daily Service: Name of the Lord

Updated for Volume 14 We had a great message recently, and as the pastor got started, I could have sworn we were heading for a singspiration instead of a Sunday morning Preaching. I got 3 song titles right off: Proverbs 18:10 (KJV) The name… Continue Reading “Daily Service: Name of the Lord”

Daily Service: Light the fire

I just posted a song we love in our church: Light the Fire.I started thinking; is quickly becoming a go-to site for research. Ofthe 13 scriptures related to fire, I like these best. Is God stirring up your fire? Are you onfire for… Continue Reading “Daily Service: Light the fire”

Daily Service: Light the Darkness

Updated for volume 14 John 1:4-5 NKJV In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. In World War 1 there was a saying “third man on… Continue Reading “Daily Service: Light the Darkness”

Daily Service: Enlarge

Updated for volume 14 Today’s word: Enlarge. This is not about building you up, it is about enlarging your influence to bring others to Christ. Do not forget HE>i. Exodus 34:24 (ESV) For I will cast out nations before you and enlarge your borders;… Continue Reading “Daily Service: Enlarge”

Daily Service: Beginning at the house of Faith

Daily Service: Beginning at the house of Faith. Updated for Volume 14 As a Christian, it is my responsibility to bring the Good News to an unbelieving, but just like Paul, I would caution those of us who are “of the household of faith”… Continue Reading “Daily Service: Beginning at the house of Faith”

Daily Service: Going Home for Christmas

Going home for Christmas I noted this morning with fellow older members of our congregation another encouragement verse. Getting older means greater aches and pains sometimes and it makes me groan with anticipation for going home. I’ll post a song for this later in… Continue Reading “Daily Service: Going Home for Christmas”